Thursday, April 23, 2009

Fun With Macs

Hey everyone, welcome to ryLectro! Home of music, tips, and more! I will be posting more and more about music, software, nightlife, everything and anything I can fathom anyone would want to know and read about. I will be including links to hot electro trax, pictures from events, links to videos and much much more. Also, I would like to start sharing some of the things that I have been learning with my macbook to help people who are also making the switch from Windows as I recently have. Today I decided to start this blog to keep track of odds and ends that I come up upon in my daily life.

My tidbit for today will be a rather short but amazingly useful tip that I just found on accident while cleaning my keyboard of all things.

I have a late 2008 macbook aluminum body running 2.4ghz intel with 4 gb of ram and Mac OS X 10.5.6.

While using the Finder, you can select a file (.doc, .docx, .ppt, .pdf, .mp3, .htm, .css, .png, .jpeg, .gif, .sql, .txt to name a few that I tried), PRESS SPACEBAR, and get a full working preview of the content. Pressing the spacebar will bring up a preview window you can scroll through if there are multiple pages/slides for text documents or presentations; a media player you can preview mp3's with; web pages preview as the web page itself, not the code.

I will continue to share my tips as I come up on them, and problems and solutions I run into while configuring my mac and virtual windows machine. Some of the software that I'll be blogging on includes VirtualDj, Traktor Pro, Parallels (WindowsXP and Vista) and I'd also like to get into new music and DJ'ing on a laptop. Eventually some producing of electronic dance music (EDM) as soon as I find the time to sit and learn some new trades as well.